Avocado Web Design, Brantford Ontario Canada
(519) 520-6107 Email

Web design studio in Brantford, Canada

Reach more customers.
Make them happy.

Get in touch

My name is Christopher Betlejemski

I’m a web designer & strategist in Brantford, with an affinity for technology and critical thinking. I’ve worked in advertising/marketing for over 15 years, helping businesses all over the world leverage the web to better serve their customers.

To be clear, I don’t simply design a website. I dive deep to get a clear understanding of your business and your customers. I poke holes, ask hard questions, and find-out how things work.

I craft web strategies that meet your unique requirements, and design experiences to make your visitors happy.

Let’s talk!

Step 1: Observation

First, I need to really understand your business and your customers. I’ll interview stakeholders, chat with clients, evaluate competitors, and find out why things are the way they are.

Step 2: Strategy

Armed with insight, we’ll sit down and define new website objectives and set measurable goals. I’ll create a plan that meets these objectives - outlining content, creative direction, and functionality.

Step 3: Design & Build

Strategy in-hand, designing your new website is as much about accountability as it is creativity. Taking the design and actually building the website is where my many years of experience and intuition become priceless.

Step 4: Optimization

When your new website is launched, it’s important that we monitor usage and measure performance. Refining your website will result in improved search engine placement and more leads.

Mobile Web Designing for small screens

To ensure a webpage looks appropriate on both a small phone and a big computer, I use a special technique which allows the design to respond to the size of the screen (it’s literally called “responsive design”). For example, if a phone displays text in one long column, then extra space on a large screen could be used to spread that text across three columns - like a newspaper.

A website that is designed to respond to every screen will provide a better experience to your customers. Additionally, Google favours sites that feature responsive design!

SEO Search Placement

The web is massive, and everyone is competing for placement in Google search results. In order to be listed in high priority, your website must be optimized so search engines can make sense of your content. This is called Search Engine Optimization. The long-term SEO strategies I employ are designed to scale with your website.

CMS Web Management

I’m happy to make changes and additions to your website, but there are many types of content that you can easily maintain (even without any technical expertise). I provide custom software that allows you to manage various aspects of your site, such as: product catalogs, photo galleries, staff lists, news, events, FAQs, and more.

AODA + WCAG 2.0 Accessibility

Canada (especially Ontario) has one of the most ambitious accessibility initiatives on earth: the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Web accessibility ensures people with sensory and cognitive challenges can use your website. I can help you meet the criteria set out by the AODA and WCAG 2.0.

CASL Anti-Spam Law

Email marketing is a powerful way to keep in touch with your customers. It's also an easy way to get into considerable trouble. The Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation has strict rules about how email marketing must be conducted. I can help you avoid harsh fines by complying with the CASL rulebook.

Advanced capabilities Function + form

As a web software developer, I have some unique capabilities that go far beyond visual design and web strategy. I can build systems that automate online functions, augment your business processes, or provide user-facing utility. Here's a few examples:

  • Data management tools
  • Online shopping (e-commerce)
  • Dispatch sales leads by proximity
  • Account management
  • Text message notifications
  • Protected content

Maintenance & Support

These days, websites seem to be redesigned every year or two… however, I build websites that last much, much longer. In fact, some of my sites are over 10 years old, and continue to perform perfectly! When it’s time for updates or a refresh, my well-engineered sites are easy and cost-effective to maintain.

Domain Name Registration

Domains are pretty cheap (honestly, they are), but they’re a bit of a pain to keep track of. There’s DNS records to manage, you may need to deal with CIRA, and then you still need to handle administration and renewals. Let me take care of that mess for you. My domain management service is just $50 per year.

Website Hosting

Your website lives on a special computer with special software, which is connected to a special network on a special power grid. This whole thing is called web hosting, and it’s mandatory for every website on the internet. I offer reliable & secure hosting for just $35 per month.

Contact We should talk!

Let’s have a chat about your project. I’m looking forward to answering your questions and making some general recommendations to get the ball rolling. Give me a call anytime!

Christopher Betlejemski
Director, Avocado Web Design
Brantford, Ontario
(519) 520-6107 Email